Power Bi-based hydrogen-related job tool
GreenCape is issuing a request for proposals (RFP) for suitably qualified service providers capable of creating a Power BI-based tool from a Microsoft Excel database which has been built from publicly available hydrogen-related job data.
As part of our work on an international task force focused on advancing skills development for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, a database of hydrogen value chain job roles and associated skills is being developed.
For more information, readers are encouraged to download the full RFP.
Globally, a large number of countries and regions have or are in the process of developing strategies for their hydrogen economies. Ensuring that there is an appropriately skilled workforce available forms a key pillar of these strategies. Skills needs assessments are typically undertaken to provide more detail
on the types of occupations and skills that will be required and what training or augmentation will be needed. Several countries and regions have published such studies. By creating a central repository of this information, there is the potential for countries to learn from and build on each other’s efforts. The Power BI database tool described in this RFP is to be developed to provide such a user-friendly centralised information source.
The database is intended as a tool for representatives from international organisations, government departments and agencies, as well as the industry to gain insights into the job roles and skills required for the hydrogen economy. It is also intended to serve as a resource for training institutions to enable relevant curricula to be augmented and new courses to be developed to meet the needs of the growing hydrogen economy.
The GreenCape team has synthesised the data from seven skills needs assessment into an Excel based dataset. The data is of a qualitative nature with each entry containing a job role title, a description of the role and related skills, and a series of tags with which to filter the data.
The service provider is expected to create a functional, user-friendly Power BI tool that will be publically available via a website. The tool must allow users to search for key terms and filter according to the tags assigned to the data. The tool should also have the functionality to generate reports for users to download, but ideally also an approach to display the data for users to more easily compare and analyse data points.
The following are the required specifications for the Power BI tool:
- Data entries with clear and consistent formatting;
- Ability to filter displayed roles by tags allocated to the data;
- Ability to search for user-defined keywords
- Ability to generate PDF reports of the roles displayed based on queries
- Additional functionalities to enable easy analysis and comparison of the data, where possible
- Attractive and user-friendly interface that aligns with the branding and style conventions of the international host organisation2
- Accompanying instructions or how-to guide
- Suitable performance for typical queries (i.e. reasonable response rate)
- Ability to be easily updated as new data is published.
The preferred service provider will be provided with the following after a service level agreement is
entered into:
- The consolidated data in Excel that is to form the basis of the database tool
- A working example of the database tool on Power BI to illustrate the kind of functionality required
(indicative but not exhaustive) - A briefing on design and branding requirements.
Each job role has been tagged with an “x” according to its related characteristics for a given category. There are five categories and 41 potential characteristics in total. The dataset contains 693 roles spread over seven worksheets. More information on the source data will be provided at the compulsory briefing session (5 February via zoom, see link).