The Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP) is a multiple award-winning free facilitation service to businesses, which is now funded by the City of Cape Town.

Circular Economy Sectors

Contact the team

Oliver Bonstein

Project Manager



The Western Cape Industrial Symbiosis Programme (WISP) is a multiple award-winning and free facilitation service to businesses, funded by the City of Cape Town. Our team comprises of WISP facilitators who provide our business members with dedicated time and technical expertise to facilitate business exchange relationships.

What is Industrial Symbiosis?

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is the exchange of materials or services between entities. Specifically, it involves the use of unused or residual resources of one company, by another. Resources could be materials, energy, water or services. These are called synergies. These synergies improve resource efficiency and economic, social and environmental benefits for the companies involved.

Examples of these benefits are listed here.

History of WISP

WISP started in May 2013 as a pilot programme in order to address the challenges around the continued viability of businesses, as the cost of energy and other inputs rise, impeding economic growth and job creation. It has since expanded and continues to benefit the Western Cape in three main ways:

  • Extracts the maximum value from materials
  • Encourages localised production
  • Returns value into the local economy

Impact of WISP

To date WISP has facilitated over 220 synergies resulting in:

  • 135 00 tonnes of waste diverted from landfill;
  • 435 000 fossil greenhouse gas emissions saved (equivalent to the electrical usage of 117 840 households in South Africa);
  • Over R150 million generated in financial benefits (additional revenue, cost savings and private investment);
  • 398 economic wide jobs created

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