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Case Study: Electrification of public transportation

26 May 2023

Case Study: Electrification of public transportation

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GreenCape, in partnership with the City of Cape Town, has published a new case study which demonstrates the viability of the electrification of public transportation. A Cape Town based company, Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS), has successfully tested and deployed electric buses for daily commuter bus services. The case study is written for:

  1. Investors in the electric mobility value chain;
  2. Bus fleet owners in South Africa (both public and private sector) who are exploring the use of electric buses for public transport services and the use of renewable energy for charging; and
  3. Cities and municipalities that are seeking opportunities to build energy resilience through electric mobility solutions.

Key insights from the case study include the following:

  • Market size: Currently there are ~65 000 buses and minibuses in South Africa (comprising both public transport and the private sector) that can be replaced by electric buses in a phased approach.
  • Operational costs and GHG emissions: Bus fleet operators can play a leading role in the growth of private offtake of renewable energy, thereby reducing operational costs and lowering GHG emissions in cities.
  • Pilot studies: Demonstrate that there are no topographical or operational issues obstructing the successful roll-out of eletric buses in South African cities.
  • Charging: Innovative opportunity charging models can be implemented by bus fleet operators taking into consideration fleet utilisation levels and peak renewable energy generation windows.

To access the full case study, click on the PDF link above.